__useInternal() in Grida codebase.

__useInternal() in Grida codebase.

In this article, we will review the __useInternal() function in Grida codebase.

function __useInternal() {
  const state = useContext(DocumentContext);
  if (!state) {
    throw new Error(
      "useDocument must be used within a StandaloneDocumentEditor"
  const dispatch = __useDispatch();
  return useMemo(() => [state, dispatch] as const, [state, dispatch]);

How did I come across this function? In the previous articles, I wrote Toolbar component and a function called setCursorMode. 

In the useEventTarget function, state and dispatch are destructured from this function, __useInternal().

export function useEventTarget() {
  const [state, dispatch] = __useInternal();


DocumentContext is created at line number 41 in provider.tsx.

const DocumentContext = createContext<IDocumentEditorState | null>(null);


You will find DocumentContext.Provider in StandaloneDocumentEditor component at line 102.

return (
    <DocumentContext.Provider value={state}>
      <DocumentDispatcherContext.Provider value={__dispatch}>
          <DataProvider data={{ props: shallowRootProps }}>
              {/*  */}

This is where value is initialised to state.


The below code is picked from line 71 in provider.tsx

const state = useMemo(
  () => initDocumentEditorState({ ...initial, editable, debug }),
  [initial, editable, debug]

Let’s just follow along the code as this is about state that used in the canvas. I would find out how initDocumentEditorState looks like.


This function is defined in grida-react-canvas/state.ts at line 600

export function initDocumentEditorState({
}: Omit<IDocumentEditorInit, "debug"> & {
  debug?: boolean;
}): IDocumentEditorState {
  const s = new document.DocumentState(init.document);
  // console.log("i", init["transform"]);
  return {
    transform: cmath.transform.identity,
    debug: debug ?? false,
    selection: [],
    hovered_node_id: null,
    hovered_vertex_idx: null,
    pointer: {
    history: {
      future: [],
      past: [],
    gesture: { type: "idle" },
    gesture_modifiers: {
      translate_with_hierarchy_change: "on",
      translate_with_clone: "off",
      tarnslate_with_axis_lock: "off",
      transform_with_center_origin: "off",
      transform_with_preserve_aspect_ratio: "off",
      rotate_with_quantize: "off",
    document_ctx: document.Context.from(init.document).snapshot(),
    // history: initialHistoryState(init),
    surface_raycast_targeting: DEFAULT_RAY_TARGETING,
    surface_measurement_targeting: "off",
    surface_measurement_targeting_locked: false,
    surface_raycast_detected_node_ids: [],
    googlefonts: s.fonts().map((family) => ({ family })),
    cursor_mode: { type: "cursor" },

This function is used in playground.tsx


const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(
      editable: true,
      debug: pref.debug,
      document: {
        nodes: {
          root: {
            id: "root",
            name: "root",
            active: true,
            locked: false,
            type: "container",
            children: [],
            width: 800,
            height: 600,
            position: "relative",
            style: {},
            opacity: 1,
            zIndex: 0,
            rotation: 0,
            expanded: false,
            cornerRadius: 0,
            padding: 0,
            layout: "flow",
            direction: "horizontal",
            mainAxisAlignment: "start",
            crossAxisAlignment: "start",
            mainAxisGap: 0,
            crossAxisGap: 0,
        root_id: "root",

About me:

Hey, my name is Ramu Narasinga. I study large open-source projects and create content about their codebase architecture and best practices, sharing it through articles, videos.

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