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Think Throo blog
30 September 2024
3 minute read
How Shadcn CLI uses error constants to improve code readability
T3 Env
BadMapPolyfill in React Source Code.
Bypass bundlers detection of the require statement
Create a unique array using Set() in JavaScript.
DefaultMap class in TailwindCSS source code.
FlowFixMe in React source code
Here is how test-case in Zustand uses ErrorBoundary.
How Shadcn CLI uses error constants to improve code readability
How Tailwind CSS detects circular dependancy.
IndexedDB explained.
Istanbul usage in tRPC source code
MessageChannel usage in React source code
Object.preventExtensions in JavaScript.
ReactDOM.unstable_batchedUpdates in Zustand testcase.
Set() usage in Zustand source code.
Stop saying “you forgot to …” in code review
String.raw in Tailwind CSS source code.
Usage of Dexie, an IndexedDB wrapper, in Lobechat
Add a test case when your open-source project’s issue is fixed.
analyzeSizeChange script in tRPC source code
arrayToDict function in tRPC source code
assert in Nodejs and its usage in Grida source code
Biome.js, a toolchain to format and lint your web project
buildDesignSystem fn in Tailwind CSS source code.
Bunchee, a bundler for JS/TS package
Locating the canvas route in the Grida codebase.
How Changsets reads config.json internally
How to check if a component is a forward ref component in React?
How to check if a component is a class component in React?
Citty, an elegant CLI builder by Unjs
ClientOptions interface in T3 Env source code explained
create-next-app validates your app name using this package
codecov.yml in Lobechat source code.
How CodeMirror v6 setup command handles CLI arguments?
What if CodeMirror v6 dev setup uses Degit internally to clone packages?
How CodeMirror v6 dev setup installs packages without a monorepo
How CodeMirror v6 dev setup retrieves packages without a monorepo
Comparison of S3 upload feature between Documenso and aws-s3-image-upload example
Component decorator in TypeDoc
How to configure DevTools for your Zustand store?
Copilotkit usage in Postiz
create-next-app validates your app name using this package
createWithEqualityFn test case in Zustand explained.
createWithEqualityFnImpl in Zustand source code explained.
createStore in Zustand source code explained.
Defu usage in unbuild source code.
Dosu bot usage in Lobechat
Dynamic form in LobeChat source code.
What's the `ee` folder in open-source projects?
EnvOptions type in T3 Env source code explained
How Shadcn CLI uses error constants to improve code readability
Execa vs using child_process to execute CLI commands programmatically.
ExtendableError usage in changesets errors package
Father, an NPM package development tool.
flushSync in TipTap source code
Generate a documentation site using Nextra
Generating a JSDoc comment for your function using OpenAI.
manypkg/get-packages usage in Changesets
.git-blame-ignore-revs to ignore bulk formatting changes.
.gitkeep file in Shadcn/ui source code
Gitmoji uses unbuild to bundle its package
Custom schema specific Supabase Server Component clients in Grida Form workspace
Custom schema specific Supabase Client Component clients in Grida Form workspace
Have you ever used `git submodules`?
hCaptcha, a bot detection tool, usage in Supabase and Chatwoot
Hookable package in unbuild source code.
How to check node version programmatically?
How to override your Zustand state.
httpBatchLink types in tRPC source code explained
Jiti usage in Docusaurus source code.
kodiak.toml in tRPC source code
List filenames recursively in a directory using this utility function.
LobeChat uses Namespace for action labels in DevTools configuration
A comparison of metadata configurations between Lobechat and Shadcn/ui
Locating the toolbar code in the Grida codebase.
lodash._merge vs Defu
Logger package in changesets monorepo
Maintenance mode check in Next.js middleware.ts
Manage your versioning and changelogs using Changesets
How Supabase implemented micro-frontends using Multi Zones in Next.js
Comparison of the middleware implementation between Supabase Auth documentation and the nextjs-stripe-supabase.
Scan for CLI flags and arguments using MRI package
Here's how next-runtime-env applies regex test in Array.prototype.filter()
next-runtime-env usage in Documenso source code
Node.js util module usage in Changesets
Here's how AI-powered autocompletion is implemented in Novel, an open-source text editor usage in Zustand source code
Object.assign() usage in Zustand source code.
Organize your components and layouts in your pages-based Next.js application this way.
Part 1-How to install npm packages programmatically?
Part 2-How to install npm packages programmatically?
How Documenso, an open-source Docusign alternative, handles pdf file upload in Next.js?
pretty-bytes usage in unbuild source code
ProcessEnv type in next-runtime-env source code
queueMacroTask in React source code
queueMicroTask in JavaScript
Cache your function computation in React Server Components
ReactPortal type in TipTap source code.
renovate.json file in Lobechat source code explained
rollup-plugin-analyzer usage in trpc scripts
setState in Zustand source code.
Toolbar's setCursorMode in Grida codebase explained.
How to temporarily silence logs in tests
What does Supabase use for its Authentication?
Lobechat applies typesafety to its environment variables
text=auto in .gitattributes file
toolbar_value_to_cursormode function in Grida codebase
ts-pattern usage in Documenso source code
TypeDoc usage in @vercel/edge
Is it possible to upload a file to a database in Next.js?
useBoundStoreWithEqualityFn in Zustand source code explained.
useDebugValue usage in Zustand source code explained.
useLayoutEffect in Zustand test-case explained.
useSyncExternalStoreExports in Zustand source code explained.
__useInternal() in Grida codebase.
useMemo usage in Documenso, an open-source Docusign alternative.
How the userId is added to the tRPC ctx in LobeChat source code?
useSyncExternalStore usage in TipTap source code
You are familiar with npm/pnpm but have you heard of tnpm or cnpm?
withAlpha utility in Tailwind CSS source code.