Dosu bot usage in Lobechat
In this article, we analyze Dosu bot usage in Lobechat pull requests. As I was studying the lobechat code, for some reason I ended up on this pull request and found that there is a comment from dosubot.
Dosu lets engineers focus on value-add work by answering questions, triaging issues, and maintaining documentation for them.
Read Dosu documentation to learn how you can use Dosu in your projects.
Dosu community reactions:
1. “The bot is right!”
2. “Yes, that was the problem, I can confirm it works fine now!”
3. “Thanks jinja2 worked perfectly.”
4. “Thank you, you have been very helpful.”
Limited Access Beta
At the time of writing this article, Dosu is in Beta. If you’re interesting in trying out Dosu, join their waiting list at or reach out to dosu team at
Dosu can be installed on any repository, but it will not do anything until you’re taken off the waitlist.
Dosu’s comment on Lobechat repo:
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