How to check if a component is a class component in React?

How to check if a component is a class component in React?

In this article, we will review a code snippet from TipTap source code.

 * Check if a component is a class component.
 * @param Component
 * @returns {boolean}
function isClassComponent(Component: any) {
  return !!(
    typeof Component === 'function'
    && Component.prototype
    && Component.prototype.isReactComponent

The beauty lies in the comment explaining what this function does. isClassComponent function name is pretty self-explanatory. It checks if a Component is a class component.

You would write a class component in React using this below syntax:

import { Component } from "react";
class Editor extends Component {...}

So what are these checks?

Checking component typeof

typeof Component === 'function'


&& Component.prototype
&& Component.prototype.isReactComponent

isReactComponent decides if a component is a class component.

It is a common practice to use !! to return boolean value.

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Hey, my name is Ramu Narasinga. I study large open-source projects and create content about their codebase architecture and best practices, sharing it through articles, videos.

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